Prove your skills: Get certified in Microsoft Office

You CAN do this. You’re already using the technology!

When you become certified, your knowledge, efficiency and productivity increase, elevating your professional value and opportunity for advancement. Plus, you’ll build credibility by possessing a professional designation that is recognized around the world; grow personally and professionally; and have more confidence when tackling assignments.
Watch Intro Video

Watch this 2 minute video about the value of Microsoft Certifications

What You Will Learn From This Session:

  • Types of MOS certification

    Determine which certification path to pursue and exactly which exams to take -- and which ones to skip -- based on your goals.

  • Preparing for your certification exams

    Discover Vickie's recommended approach when preparing for your exams and which exam to tackle first.

  • The time and financial investment involved

    Understand how much effort, time, and money it takes to pursue certification and how quickly you can get this done.


  • Is there certification for Office for Mac?

    No, Microsoft only allows certification in Office for Windows at this time.

  • Can I get certified in Office 365?

    Office 365 and Office 2019 are currently the same exams. There is not a separate Office 365 certification.

  • How long does my certification last?

    Your certifications will never expire. They might become out of date, as new versions of Office are released, but you will forever have those certifications.


Vickie Sokol Evans

Microsoft Certified Trainer

Vickie Sokol Evans is a globally recognized digital productivity instructor and comedic speaker who trains the world's smartest people how to use their technology to get better results in less time. Her clients include: Microsoft, The Gates Foundation, Stanford University, The New York Times, Starbucks, Amazon, UK's Parliament, and most notably Bill Gates' team, among many others. A Microsoft Certified Trainer with 25+ certifications and over 20 years' training experience on PC and Mac platforms, Vickie is founder of The Red Cape Company headquartered in Austin, Texas.